Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why Crescent Beach - Part 2

This one should be obvious - because its beautiful!

Crescent Beach and the surrounding areas of St. Augustine, St. Augustine Beach, Marineland, Flagler, Washington Oaks Gardens State Park are just gorgeous. With water everywhere, you just about can't find a bad view. If you're standing on A1A in Crescent Beach, you have the Atlantic Ocean on one side of you and the Intracoastal Waterway (Matanzas River) on the other.

High dunes, beautiful homes and an expanse of sand and blue water are the main attractions on the beach side. On the ICW side, there are more beautiful homes, oyster beds, and lots of trees for a totally different feel.

Visit Flickr to view some of our photos of Crescent Beach, St. Augustine Beach and Washington Oaks Gardens State Park (only beachside, so far). Just click on the badge below:


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